More companies reporting on sustainable performance

A study by the Social Investment Research Analysts Network (SIRAN) finds that an increasing number of the largest public companies in the U.S. are reporting on their environmental and social performance. Key findings include:

  • Nearly 80% of the companies comprising the S&P 100 Index have special sections of their websites dedicated to sharing information about their social and environmental policies and performance. This is up from about 60% in the prior year.
  • Over 40% of S&P 100 Index companies issue annual corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports. A dozen (12) companies became reporters in the past year, while 8 moved to web-based reporting only.
  • A third of S&P 100 Index companies base their CSR reports on the Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines.

A summary of the findings can be found at

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