Traditional staffing options

Hire permanent staff


  • Adds needed skills to your team
  • You hand-pick the new hire
  • Keeps all work in-house under your complete control

But consider:

  • Are you making a long-term commitment to fill a short-term need?
  • Do you really know what skills you’ll need down the road?
  • Can you commit the time to recruiting, hiring and training a new person?
  • Can you absorb a permanent increase in payroll?


Contract with a consulting firm


  • Many firms offer a broad range of skills
  • You get a complete project team and project managers
  • They bring their pre-defined methodologies and solutions

But consider:

  • Can you justify the expense?
  • Will you get a team of experienced professionals or will there be a significant amount of on-the-job training?
  • Who will be running the show – them or you?


Retain temporary help through an agency


  • Immediate staffing and flexible scheduling
  • Fill short-term needs with minimal commitment
  • Large pool of people available

But consider:

  • Will you get a professional with the necessary skills?
  • How much responsibility can you give to a temp?
  • Is this the most cost-effective means of addressing current staffing needs?
